Thursday, December 13, 2012


Today in class we got in and got settled down. Then Mr. Schick told us that we have to learn the right way to hold a door for someone. He said if we hold the door wrong than the old people cant get through the door. So he showed us the proper way to hold the door. After that he pulled up the review study guideline of everything we learned. So we began reviewing things from the very beginning of the year. Every time Mr. Schick asked a question it would be the same people to raise their hands. I wasn't one of those people. So then he began to just call on people. After a while Mr. Schick got mad at Kishan for talking so he made Kishan get up and "teach" the class so that he could talk and Kishan could see how it felt. We didn't finish reviewing everything, but we are going to finish the rest tomorrow in class.

Friday, December 7, 2012

PPoint Project

Today in class we got in and talked for a little bit. First we talked about how awesome the speech and debate team is. Than we had a shadow in the class and we talked to her about her life. Turns out she rides horses and gets ribbons. She plays lacrosse and she also does polo. I think that is pretty cool. Oh her name was Allysa and she goes to Perry Hall Middle. I also asked if she knew this kid that I know goes there and she said she might. We talked for the first half hour of class. Then we watched the rest of the video about China and their unsafe cars. Then at the end of class we got into groups of four. these groups were for the Power Point Project. In my group is Erin, Sean, Alex, and I. I think so far we have a good amount done.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

China and their cars!

Today in class when I got there I asked to use the bathroom. By the time that I got back Mr. Schick had already started a video. The video was about China again. The video was mainly just about China and cars. So basically China was building cars that weren't safe at all. They would build them, but in the process they would find some way to do something the easy way just to save money. Turned out when people bought the cars they weren't safe at all. China also kept trying to buy American car dealer's companies so they could use it as their own to make money. So China people would come to America, buy a company for cars, and then pay people less money for their work. They thought by doing this they would be better than the American ran company. Turns out that didn't last long at all which is a good thing.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Definitions for word ]to know

Today in class we got in and then Mr. Schick told us that instead of watching the movie we were going to go over some words and their definitions that we needed to know. There was like four words. They were colonialism, communism, free enterprise and free market. I took me a little while to get the definitions because some of the websites said different thing. So when people raised their hand to tell what they found it means i used part of their definition. I also copied down anything that Mr. Schick said was important or made that it sounded important. I feel that if we have a test on it ill do good, even though we didn't finish talking about it.


Capitalism: An economic and Political system in which is controlled by private owners rather than the state(country). The means of production is like what goes into making something. The government doesn't tell you how to run it.

Communism: A system of government tries to solve problems and inequities that arises in capitalism.Class list. Inequities meaning something is unequal. 
Free Enterprise: An economic system in which private business operations and competition and largely free of state control.

Free Market: An economic system in which prices are determined by unrestricted competition between privately owned businesses.

Monday, December 3, 2012


Today in class some of us sat in different seats because they weren't here. So Cole sat in Mary's so I sat in his seat. I could see the video better than I usually can. We finished the one video and now we are are the next video. The last video was all about China making stuff for us to use so that it is cheaper for them and for us. We then had a discussion on how chicken feet taste the same as normal chicken. And Alex says that frog legs taste the same as chicken. Then we watched the next video. The next video talked about how the people can build roads and tunnels and get paid at lot more money then if they were working in the city. It said how five people lived in one little place at the construction site for 10 months which is ridiculous because I have five people in my family and sometimes I feel like my house is too small. Then it talked about how China is getting more cars on their roads so it causes more accidents.