Monday, December 3, 2012


Today in class some of us sat in different seats because they weren't here. So Cole sat in Mary's so I sat in his seat. I could see the video better than I usually can. We finished the one video and now we are are the next video. The last video was all about China making stuff for us to use so that it is cheaper for them and for us. We then had a discussion on how chicken feet taste the same as normal chicken. And Alex says that frog legs taste the same as chicken. Then we watched the next video. The next video talked about how the people can build roads and tunnels and get paid at lot more money then if they were working in the city. It said how five people lived in one little place at the construction site for 10 months which is ridiculous because I have five people in my family and sometimes I feel like my house is too small. Then it talked about how China is getting more cars on their roads so it causes more accidents.

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