Friday, October 26, 2012

Countries, Government and More

Constitution-Federal Republic
President Enrique Pena Nieto
Enrique Peña Nieto

Constitution-Communist State
President HU Jintao

Constitution-Federal Republic
President Pranab Mukherjee

Constitution-Islamic Republic
President Hamid Karzai

Constitution-Theocratic Republic
Mahmound Ahmadinejad
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

Constitution-Parliamentary Democracy
President Shimon Peres and Benjemin Netanyahu

Constitution-Federal Republic
President Chancler: Angela Merkel
Angela Merkel

United Kingdom
Constitution-Constitutional Monarchy and Commonwealth Realm
Prime Minister David Cameron + Queen Elizabeth 2nd

President Francois Hollande

Constitution-Federal Republic
President Dilma Rousseff

Constitution-Federal Republic
President Hugo Chavez

Saudi Arabia
King and Prime Minister Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz

Friday, October 19, 2012

Test Questions

1. Who is the central figure of Islam?
2.When did Columbus arrive?
-October 12th 1942
3. Why did the Native Americans come?
-They weren't sent, but they were hunting and hearing animals an followed them across an ice bridge over to here.
4. What is one leading cause to wars?
5. What are the five major religions?
-Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam
6. Where was Christianity found?
-Americans, Europe, and Southern Africa

Thursday, October 18, 2012


At first Mr. Schick wasn’t in class right away so John stuck his head out the door and warned us that he was coming do that we would all sit and be quiet. Than Mr. Schick informed John that he could hear the warning John gave to us. Today in class we continued to learn about religion. We went over the things that we had done in previous human Geo classes and then we continued and learned new things. We got of subject a few times but for the most part we were all listening. We haven't been using our laptops lately so I think that could be why we are all paying more attention. Today for a part of the class Mr. Schick let Kishan go up and talk and be he "teacher." It was funny because Mr. Schick sat in Kishan's desk and pretended to be a student. Kishan actually knew a lot it was cool that he knew so much. Today also the JV football had to leave class like only a few minutes early.

Sunday, October 14, 2012


Christianity was founded in the 1st century in the Levant region. Christianity is monotheistic. Christianity has like 2 billion+ followers. Christianity central figure is Jesus Christ the Son of God. Christianity's geographical concentration is over 200 countries.

Islam was founded just after the year 1000. Islam is monotheistic.Islam has 1.67 billion followers. Islam central figure is Allah which is like their god. Islam's geographical concentration is mainly Africa.

Buddhism was founded in the fourth or fifth century B.C.Buddhism is polytheistic. Buddhism has an estimated amount of about 350 million followers. Buddhism's central figure is Siddhartha Gautama. Buddhism's geographical concentration is mainly southeast Asia.


Hinduism was founded in 1500-500 B.C.E. Hinduism is both because they worship many gods but recognize that they are all different manifestations of one God. Hinduism has a range anywhere between 860 millions to 1.4 billion. Hinduism;s central figure is Lord Sri Krishna. Hinduism's geographical concentration is India, Nepal, and Bangladesh.

Judaism was founded around the year 2000 B.C.E. Judaism is monotheistic.
Judaism has about two million followers and more than 17,000 churches. Judaism's central figures are Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Judaism's geographical concentration is in like Israel and New York.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Today in class we all got there and Mr. Schick was not in the room at first. Then a few minutes after the bell rang Mr. Schick came in and we started class. He told us that we did not need our computers and that we were using our notebooks to write notes down on what we go over. Our discussion was about cultures today. We saw what each county's name for a soft drink was. If you saw the map you would be able to tell that most people call soft drinks pop. i think the next biggest was the name coke than soda. Then there was that little bit of other. Like most of the map was blue because blue stood for the name pop. Then we talked about cultural characteristics. It was the thought that the ideas and themes which the group will teach all members. Examples of cultural characteristics are languages, religion, and ethnic heritage.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Power Point Fail...

Today in class we had to present the power point on the group we had for Columbus Day. We were assigned different groups like either Columbus or Native Americans or the Vikings. I was in the Vikings group. At first the Native American group went and whoever was not in the group had to take notes from the slides that the group showed us. We were the second group to go. Turns out Ellie had the power point on her laptop and it broke and no one else was connected to the power point. But because I only did the slide I was assigned I did not have any of the other slides everyone did. So altogether we did not have the power point. As a solution we used another class Vikings group so that we could at least read something so the rest of the class could take notes from us. Matt and Andrew were the two that went up to read from the power point. After us the Columbus group was up. So we had to take notes on their information on their slides. 

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Today in class we had a test. The test was on the movie that we watched. The movie was called God Grew Tired of Us. The test was all fill in the blanks which were nice I guess. Mr. Schick lets us use our blogs to get any information that we blogged about to use on the test. I think that was very cool. It helped me a little. There were like 3 questions that I did not get. I guessed on two of them so they probably are not right than on the other i just put two question marks because I was not sure at all. It was any easy test besides those three questions. I think a lot of people had a hard time remembering what the tribes name was. I definitely was not one of the first ones to get my test done. After the test we looked up unusual cultures. I found one on how at wedding or special occasions in Germany they break dishes and plates and tiles and toilets then they make the bride and the groom clean it up to symbolize how they work together on things. 

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Today in class we went over the different charities again. Well we didn't list anymore but we basically went over the ones that we had already listed. We were all saying which ones that we thought were the best and Mr. Schick was explaining some of the ideas from other classes. A few times Mr. Schick would say for us to pay attention and stop staring at the computers like zombies. He showed us what we looked like when we stare at our computers and how obvious it is that we are not paying attention. Then he acted like us while Hailey talked so that we could see what it was like. Mr. Schick also said that we need to be more excited about it because we weren't being very enthusiastic and throwing out ideas. After this some people started giving ideas but still not a whole lot of people. Next class I’m going to be more enthusiastic because I think helping is a great idea and I really want to do it.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012


Today in class we weren't there for the first few minutes because we were in the auditorium listening to speeches and stuff about our testing. So when we finally got to class we talked about what we were going to do. Mr. Schick showed us and then we went right to work. When we first started working he said he thought that that was the quietest that he had ever heard us. So we went on a website where we could all put our ideas of charities down on a paper. It was cool because we could all be on there at once to write down every idea. I thought it was cool how you could see as other people were typing down their stuff. Alex and I worked together and we came up with about four different charities that we could use. I think people were coming up with some really good charities. Today I had fun and I can’t wait to see what charity or charities that we pick to help.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Movie and Ideas

Today in class we watched the rest of the movie. It was a great movie overall. I really enjoyed it. I loved how the mom reacted when she finally saw her son after seventeen years. She was dancing around and singing loudly in the airport. At the end it said Panther married back in Africa. He reunited with his mother and his brother. Got his Bachelor’s Degree and wants to open a school and Africa. John continues to support his family. He has his Bachelor’s Degree and owns his own foundation. He plans to build a medical clinic too. Daniel works in a job core and he has not found anyone in his family yet.
I think to help the people out we can come up with some kind of fundraiser to put some money to the lost boys organization. I also think it was a great idea for use to get together a whole bunch of supplies to send to Africa or anywhere where they need it.