Thursday, October 18, 2012


At first Mr. Schick wasn’t in class right away so John stuck his head out the door and warned us that he was coming do that we would all sit and be quiet. Than Mr. Schick informed John that he could hear the warning John gave to us. Today in class we continued to learn about religion. We went over the things that we had done in previous human Geo classes and then we continued and learned new things. We got of subject a few times but for the most part we were all listening. We haven't been using our laptops lately so I think that could be why we are all paying more attention. Today for a part of the class Mr. Schick let Kishan go up and talk and be he "teacher." It was funny because Mr. Schick sat in Kishan's desk and pretended to be a student. Kishan actually knew a lot it was cool that he knew so much. Today also the JV football had to leave class like only a few minutes early.

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