Friday, November 30, 2012

More about China...

Today in class we continued to watch our movie or video or whatever on China. It continued on how we benefit from their work and they benefit from when we use what they make and so on and so forth. It is all really interesting how it works because it makes you think. Like in the movie the guy asked people if they ever thought that China and the US would get in a fight. The people said no because we need each other too much and are too close. It made me think about what might possibly happen if the US and China did get into some kind of fight or disagreement. I think that it would be really bad. We rely on China to build so much for us that if it all stopped like every store that gets things from China would go out of business until the US started building their own things. Then China wouldn't have to build so many things and wouldn't have us buying from them so they would be making as much money and people will lose jobs. So if this ever happened it would be really bad to be honest.

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