Monday, January 14, 2013

My Opinion

I  think honestly in class participation I should get like a 75% or 80%. I think that I should around those grades because I don't really volunteer to participate in class. I will participate if Mr. Schick calls on me or if its like a group thing.


Today in class Mr. Schick decided that we could work in groups to research on Pupae, New Guinea. He said the group could be like three or four people. We had to find info about how Pupae, New Guinea is getting better and growing. My group was Erin, Alex, and Issac. This time everyone was helping out and throwing in info from the websites we used. Alex and I used the CIA World Factbook. Issac used Wikipedia and I think maybe some other websites. Erin wrote down all the good information that we all found. Some facts are that its GDP is 8.9 which is huge. Its net migration rate is 0. It has 542 runways and 20 of them are paved. There is 2.4 million cell phones being used. Internet host 5,006 and the users are 125,000. They have more imports than exports. They have over 800 languages spoken because each tribe is basically isolated and they speak their own language.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Finishing up on Guns, Germs, and Steel

In todays class when we first got there we were all kind of talking with each other waiting for Mr. Shick for alike a minute. Then he came in but did not have his cart with him. Turns out that was because he was on lunch duty. So then he told us we were going to finish up the video and for us to be ready to write our notes y the time he came back with his cart. I had my notebook already so I did not have to go and gt it from my locker. When he came back we told him where we left off and we finished the video. After it was over we went over anything had had a class discussion. Our discussion was that we should take like a week survival trip and see if we can survive in New Guinea like those people do. Without like anything. I personally hate bugs and the too much sun so I would....die!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Domesticated Animals and More

Today in class when we first got in the Mr. Schick took role by checking to make sure we were all there. Then he asked us about the notes that we last took from the last day we were there. We went over our notes and the important stuff we should have written down. Then we continued on to watch more of the documentary. Cole remembered we were on part for at like 6:30. So we continued from there. We learned how the people made plaster . And we also learned about domesticated animals. There we like 148 animals and only 14 were domesticated.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Guns, Germs, and Steel Continued

Today in class we got in and talked for a couple minutes then Mr. Schick asked us what we last talked about. After we told him he asked what we last watched in the videos. We only left off on part two. We went over the notes we had to make sure we had all the important points. After that we continued to watch the video. As we were going through it we learned about how sheep and goats mainly but along with some other animals played an important role. How they ate left overs and their dung fertilized the plants that they grew. Mr. Schick saw the goats face and how they were "smiling" and basically fell in "love" with it. If i could buy a goat and bring it in..I would just to see his face...

HERE IS A PICTURE(stolen from Erin :p)

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Guns, Germs and Steel

Okay so in Fridays class we went over the information we found out about Jared Diamond's book. Then Mr. Schick handed back our exams..Well lets just say that we didn't have that many A's in our class. I was surprised that Cole didn't get an A because he usually always does on the test. I didn't get an A either..i got a C which is passing so I don't feel to bad. Then we watched the documentary of Guns, Germs and Steel. There were like 2 or 3 videos I think. They were pretty interesting too. So overall I enjoyed Fridays class.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Jared Diamond

Jared Diamond

I think that we are learning about Jared Diamond because for one he wrote a book called Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed. I think that is a good reason because we are learning about that. He is a professor in Geography in California. In his book he explained a range of the past civilizations to determined and identify whether they collapsed or succeeded. It also what says what societies now can learn from the past ones. He is a scientist, author, and professor at UCLA. Born in Boston and is Jewish.  He studies anthropology and ornithology. He went to Harvard University. Has a PhD in geography and physiology. He has gone to Papua, New Guinea for expeditions. Wrote The Third Chimpanzee: The Evolution and Future of the human animal. He also wrote Guns, Germs, and Steel.

Guns, Germs, and Steels
 This book that Jared has wrote is the book that we are going to be going over the most in class. This book of Jared Diamond was made into a movie. The book is written about the fates of human societies. It was awarded the Pulitzer Prize. Jared argues that the Eurasian civilization is not a product of ingenuity but of opportunity and necessity. He also argues that the gaps in power and technology between human societies originate in environmental differences, which are amplified by various positive feedback loops. It explained how Europe has done different things for the better or for the worse. He explains how these things may have helped or not too.