Monday, January 14, 2013


Today in class Mr. Schick decided that we could work in groups to research on Pupae, New Guinea. He said the group could be like three or four people. We had to find info about how Pupae, New Guinea is getting better and growing. My group was Erin, Alex, and Issac. This time everyone was helping out and throwing in info from the websites we used. Alex and I used the CIA World Factbook. Issac used Wikipedia and I think maybe some other websites. Erin wrote down all the good information that we all found. Some facts are that its GDP is 8.9 which is huge. Its net migration rate is 0. It has 542 runways and 20 of them are paved. There is 2.4 million cell phones being used. Internet host 5,006 and the users are 125,000. They have more imports than exports. They have over 800 languages spoken because each tribe is basically isolated and they speak their own language.

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