Monday, January 7, 2013

Guns, Germs, and Steel Continued

Today in class we got in and talked for a couple minutes then Mr. Schick asked us what we last talked about. After we told him he asked what we last watched in the videos. We only left off on part two. We went over the notes we had to make sure we had all the important points. After that we continued to watch the video. As we were going through it we learned about how sheep and goats mainly but along with some other animals played an important role. How they ate left overs and their dung fertilized the plants that they grew. Mr. Schick saw the goats face and how they were "smiling" and basically fell in "love" with it. If i could buy a goat and bring it in..I would just to see his face...

HERE IS A PICTURE(stolen from Erin :p)

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