Friday, November 30, 2012

More about China...

Today in class we continued to watch our movie or video or whatever on China. It continued on how we benefit from their work and they benefit from when we use what they make and so on and so forth. It is all really interesting how it works because it makes you think. Like in the movie the guy asked people if they ever thought that China and the US would get in a fight. The people said no because we need each other too much and are too close. It made me think about what might possibly happen if the US and China did get into some kind of fight or disagreement. I think that it would be really bad. We rely on China to build so much for us that if it all stopped like every store that gets things from China would go out of business until the US started building their own things. Then China wouldn't have to build so many things and wouldn't have us buying from them so they would be making as much money and people will lose jobs. So if this ever happened it would be really bad to be honest.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

China and Booming Money and What Not

Today in class we watched more of the China video and we learned more about how we have our products are made in China so that things are cheap in the United States. That saves us a ton of money. Then we started talking about ways that things would change in the future. We determined that money wont exist and the world will just use credit cards. So basically when you get paid from work your money will just go straight on your card. This way you can't loose or have your money stolen. For the use of your credit card you would have to either get your finger scanned or a retina scan so that the machine can tell that it is you and and not a random person trying to use your credit card. We also talked about how babies will have chips put in the neck when they are born so that when they are older and something happens they know where they are. I think that it is fun talking about the way things will change in the future. I also like making up and guessing things that we will do and make in the future.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012


Okay so today in class when we got in there Mr. Schick asked us about the last thing that we took notes on. I had to go and get my notebook from my locker because I forgot it. When I got back Mr. Schick had the video that we were watching pulled up. After a few minutes of going through to see where we left off, we started the video again. So we watched about how people in China don't have very good jobs. And most jobs that people are doing over there are really hard and they only get a pay of like two dollars for women and four for men. It is not a good minimum wage at all. I mean compared to ours, our is $7.50 a hour and do that for 8 houses you get like 60 bucks. That is not bad at all. We also learned about how they make a lot of stuff for America that way when we go to sell our stuff the price is not that high. I learned that it works like that because since we are not making the stuff we don't need to price it high. If we wee to make the stuff everything would be priced higher that way the US could make that money back.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Assembly News and Test back ...

Today in class we got out test back. Turns out I was two points away from getting an A on my test. It wasn't that disappointing though because I still got a passing grade. After we got our test back we went over every answer so that we could mark in the right answers. Cole got an 100 so I just used his test to correct mine. After that we talked about an assembly that we are going to have tomorrow. Turns out the Ravens speaker is coming to talk to us. He was willing to do it for free even though most famous well known people ask for a pay of money when they go to speak in a public place. I think that it is cool that he is coming to speak to us. Mr. Schick said that if we go up to ask questions after the guy is done speaking than we get 10 extra bonus points. After all that we started to watch a video on China and everything about it.

Monday, November 19, 2012


Ok so today in class we had a test. We also had to hand in our papers but i didn't have mine printed out. I was allowed to give it to him after school so it worked out okay. For the test we were allowed to use our blogs. Part of the test was things that we already had. That was nice because I memorized it pretty much which made it easier for me. I also had a lot of the information on my blog so it was pretty good for me. I think that for the most part I did well. There were only a few question I kind of had to guess on because I didn't have the info. After we just got to talk which was fun. And then we watched two little short videos on the whole bombing thing.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Fridays Class

Okay so I was back at school today. In class I had to give my information about the countries to Ellie. Turns out two of them that I did got erased. So I had to work on finding them again which was a pain. I guess it wasn't that bad though. Then I had to go to Ellie's blog and copy her things to put onto mine since we were partners on it. Then after we were all done going over the countries Mr. Schick explained that we were having a that's on Monday. If was on stuff that we did and some new stuff. We had o know who goes with what country and where the countries are located. I think I'm kind of ready for it, bu I'm studying over the weekend. I guess we will see. Okay turns out that I also have a 500 word paper due on Monday to on two of the countries. I am not too excited about that, but I'll try.

Friday, November 16, 2012


Today I was not in school because I didn't feel good and had a really bad headache and I stayed home and worked on the countries.


United States

Declared independence on July 4, 1776

From the 1500s through the 1700s, they were settled and colonized by the Spanish, British, French, Dutch, Portuguese, and other European nations.  The original thirteen colonies were held by Great Britain until the Revolutionary War, after which they became the first thirteen states.  There are now 50 states in the United States.  The United States is considered the last true superpower, with the world's largest military and the world's largest economy.


Israel became an independent state on May 14, 1948

Following World War Two, the newly-formed United Nations drafted a treaty dividing up some of Palestine's land.  They established an independent Arab state and an independent Jewish state.  Many Jews emigrated to the new nation of Israel post WWII.  Creation of this new Jewish state was not universally accepted by Arabs, even though Israel was officially admitted to the UN on May 11, 1949.  There is still controversy surrounding Israel's very existence in the Middle East.


China's official date of independence is October 1, 1949.

China is one of the world's oldest civilizations.  As long ago as 221 BC, China was unified as a nation during the Qin dynasty.  They formed a republic on January 1, 1912.  The current Communist government, officially called the People's Republic of China, was formed in 1949.  


Iran's official date of independence is April 1, 1979.

During 1980-88, Iran fought a bloody, indecisive war with Iraq that eventually expanded into the Persian Gulf and led to clashes between US Navy and Iranian military forces between 1987 and 1988. Iran has been designated a state sponsor of terrorism for its activities in Lebanon and elsewhere in the world and remains subject to US, UN, and EU economic sanctions and export controls because of its continued involvement in terrorism and its nuclear weapons ambitions.


Mexico's official date of independence is September 16, 1810.

Mexico was conquered ad colonized by Spain in the early 16th century. Administered as the Viceroyalty of New Spain for three centuries, it achieved its independence early in the 19th 

Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia's official date of independence is September 23, 1938.

Saudi Arabia has never been colonized, so their independence day is actually the day when their kingdom was created.  Their independence was declared on September 23, 1932, which is now called “Unification of the Kingdom”.  Saudi Arabia is in the Middle East and it borders the Persian Gulf and the Red Sea.

United Kingdom

United Kingdom's official date of independence is April 12, 1927.

Although the United Kingdom has had many revolts and has had many governments and royal families overthrown, they haven’t actually been ruled by another country. They are an island nation located Northeast of Europe, and have ruled many other countries, but they have never been ruled themselves. 


Venezuela's official date of independence July 5, 1811.

Venezuela was colonized by Spain in 1522 despite resistance from indigenous peoples. It became the first Spanish American colony to declare independence in 1811, but did not securely establish independence until 1821 (as a department of the federal republic of Gran Colombia, gaining full independence in 1830). During the 19th century Venezuela suffered political turmoil and dictatorship, and it was dominated by regional caudillos (military strongmen) well into the 20th century.

Afghanistan                                         Location of Afghanistan
Afghanistan's official date of independence is August 19, 1919

When they got their independence, they were relived from the UK control over Afghan foreign affairs. Their government type is Islamic Republic. In 1709 the Hotaki dynasty was established in Kandahar followed by the Ahmad Shah Durrani's rise to power.

Brazil                                                          Location of Brazil
Brazil's official date of independence is September 7th, 1822 when they got independence from Portugal. Many different immigrants settled in Brazil and played an important role in their culture. Brazil is a federal republic government.

France                                                     Location of France
France is a republic based government, and has no exact date set as to when they got their independence, but july 14th of 1789 the french monarchy was overthrown, and September 22nd, 1792 was when the first french republic was founded. August 1oth 843, western Francia established from the division of the Carolingian Empire. 

Germany                                                          Location of Germany
Germany's official date of independence is the 18th of January, 1871, on this day Germany was divided into 4 different zones of occupation, UK..US..USSR..FRANCE. West and East Germany unified on October 3rd 1990, that all 4 powers were given their rights.

India                                                        Location of India
India's official date of independence is the 15th of August, 1947 from the UK. India is a federal republic type government. Indian has a long history of collaboration with many other countries, and is considered a leader of the developing world.

Monday, November 12, 2012


Today in class we go in and got settled down. Then we got back our test. We had a lot of A's in our class which was really good. When he called my name I did not expect him to ring the bell, but he did so turns out I got an A on the test. I was really happy because I only got two wrong on the test. Our class had the highest average of like 88.1 I think and that is good. We also have a total of 12 A's in our whole class. Cole was estimating how many A's total we would have and at first we had 11 and Cole guessed 12. So in the middle of class Alex got one marked wrong that was right so her grade got moved up. Turns out Cole guessed right because now we have a total of 12 A's in our class. Yeahh so for the most part like everyone in class got a good grade which is awesome.

Saturday, November 10, 2012


Today in class we had a "pop" quiz. It wasn't exactly a pop quiz though because we knew that it was coming. We had a shadow today in class and Mr. Schick asked her if she wanted to take our test just to see how good she would do on it. She agreed so she took it with us.So for he test we all got to use the information that we had on our blog. I had like almost all of the information on my blog so I am pretty sure that I did pretty good on the test. There were only a few thing that I didn't have on my blog that i guessed on, but even with them i am pretty sure that I got them close enough to being right. I think there is only a few that I got wrong. At the end Mr. Schick graded the shadow's paper and it turned out that she got I think it was like 9 right on the paper. That is pretty good for someone who didn't review anything and didn't study it yet. After the test we took some notes on like 1 slide than class was over.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Globe Volleyball

Today in class we continued to go over the facts that we found for each of the presidents. We did some of the same presidents from yesterday but Mr. Schick made us give some different facts. When we said our facts we had to find the country that the president was from. It was funny because Mr. Schick would throw the ball at people and it wold just hit them in the head. He also pretended to like throw it and people would flinch. Then Mr. Schick called n me and i gave my info about Barack Obama that I had. Then I had to find the United States and I did. When he threw it at me I didn't catch it though. Class was fun today.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


Today in class we went over all the facts that we got for each of the different presidents. I didn't really say anything, but I had some of the same stuff that other people said. I also copied down whatever Mr. Schick said that we might wanna put down to know. We also got back our quizzes ...I got a 20/26 and i think that's pretty good..I got three wrong, but I corrected my answers. Mr. Schick thought it was funny that I talk really low so no one can ever hear me.. so like throughout class if he talked to me he would talk in a really soft whisper. It was pretty funny actually because I can be really loud but not in front of people that I'm not that close of friends with. 

Two interesting things about Obama is:
-Obama has talked about using alcohol ,marijuana, and cocaine, during his teenage years. He was a part of the "choom gang" a group of friends that spent time together and occasionally smoked marijuana. 
-Obama's election as the first black president of the Harvard Law Review gained national media attention.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Presidents and their info..

Enrique Pena Nieto
-Enrique Pena Nieto said that he became interested din politics when he was in elementary school because the was picked as a class leader.
-Enrique's father would take him to campaign rallies because the governor of Mexico was a close friends of his dad and his dad's cousin was the successor of the governor. So by the age of 15 Enrique had his first direct contact with Mexican politics.

Hu Jintao

-Been involved in the Communist party for most of adult life
-former leader of Peoples Republic of China

Pranab Mukherjee

-The Congress supreme leader Indira Gandhi noticed his talents therefore she made him a part of her party.
-India's government honored him in 2008 with the Padma Vibhushan, which is the second highest civilian award of India.

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad 

-was arrested for the destruction of Israel along with its people and also he denied that the Holocaust had taken place.
- describes gays as "thieves" and "ugly"

Angela Merkel

-Ranking in the fourth most powerful of women 
-First woman to be Chancellor of Germany

Dilma Rousseff

- First woman to become the president of Brazil
-Jailed in 1970 and tortured for trying to overthrow the government ....(coup d'etat)

Hugo Chavez

- major source of money comes from the oil
-former leader of Fifth Republic Movement

David Cameron

-Youngest elected Prime Minister of England
-Elected member of Parliament in 2001

Francois Hollande

-served as first secretary
-lost his seat to the National Assembly but then regained it in four years

Hamid Karzai

-Won a second five year term in 2009
-declined the post to the US ambassador
-Taliban in charge before Hamid.

Benjamin Netanyahu

-One of the reasons Israel is still here
-he trained as a combat soldier and became a team leader in an elite special forces unit of the IDF

Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud

-Wants to destroy Iran
-Third richest royal in the world

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Mr. Schick was back!

In class today Mr. Schick was back with us. He asked us if we would be ready for a pop quiz on the countries that we researched and their presidents. We were all like nooo we would only get like two right. So since we didn't know them Mr. Schick went over all of them with us to make sure we had all the right ones sown in our blog. After going through them all we talked about them a little longer than he said to study them for a pop quiz at the end of the class. Turns out that we studied the whole class and didn't have a quiz. I studied with Alex, Erin, and Shaun. We all wrote down each country and their president on a piece of paper to study with. Then we asked each other questions. Mr. Schick came over and asked me one that i didn't know and when i went to respond a weird noise came out of my mouth and I sounded like a cow he said. I was laughing because I sounded like a cow, it was pretty funny.

Thursday, November 1, 2012


Today in class we had a sub! Our sub was Mr. Huber. First we all took a while to settle down then we were told that we were reviewing over our test. We got our test back and everyone was comparing grades and talking about how they did. Kishan and Cole were the two people that lead the review. It took them a while to think of a method to review but then they finally got it. They took turns in the review and at first we were really slow. During the review Ellie was on a role answering questions it was like she remembered everything. Then we finished with like 15 min of class left. Everyone like kept using the bathroom and getting chargers form their lockers after we were done. Then we all kind of just talked and did whatever on our laptops. Overall I would say it was a pretty good class.