Monday, November 26, 2012

Assembly News and Test back ...

Today in class we got out test back. Turns out I was two points away from getting an A on my test. It wasn't that disappointing though because I still got a passing grade. After we got our test back we went over every answer so that we could mark in the right answers. Cole got an 100 so I just used his test to correct mine. After that we talked about an assembly that we are going to have tomorrow. Turns out the Ravens speaker is coming to talk to us. He was willing to do it for free even though most famous well known people ask for a pay of money when they go to speak in a public place. I think that it is cool that he is coming to speak to us. Mr. Schick said that if we go up to ask questions after the guy is done speaking than we get 10 extra bonus points. After all that we started to watch a video on China and everything about it.

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