Saturday, November 3, 2012

Mr. Schick was back!

In class today Mr. Schick was back with us. He asked us if we would be ready for a pop quiz on the countries that we researched and their presidents. We were all like nooo we would only get like two right. So since we didn't know them Mr. Schick went over all of them with us to make sure we had all the right ones sown in our blog. After going through them all we talked about them a little longer than he said to study them for a pop quiz at the end of the class. Turns out that we studied the whole class and didn't have a quiz. I studied with Alex, Erin, and Shaun. We all wrote down each country and their president on a piece of paper to study with. Then we asked each other questions. Mr. Schick came over and asked me one that i didn't know and when i went to respond a weird noise came out of my mouth and I sounded like a cow he said. I was laughing because I sounded like a cow, it was pretty funny.

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