Wednesday, November 28, 2012


Okay so today in class when we got in there Mr. Schick asked us about the last thing that we took notes on. I had to go and get my notebook from my locker because I forgot it. When I got back Mr. Schick had the video that we were watching pulled up. After a few minutes of going through to see where we left off, we started the video again. So we watched about how people in China don't have very good jobs. And most jobs that people are doing over there are really hard and they only get a pay of like two dollars for women and four for men. It is not a good minimum wage at all. I mean compared to ours, our is $7.50 a hour and do that for 8 houses you get like 60 bucks. That is not bad at all. We also learned about how they make a lot of stuff for America that way when we go to sell our stuff the price is not that high. I learned that it works like that because since we are not making the stuff we don't need to price it high. If we wee to make the stuff everything would be priced higher that way the US could make that money back.

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