Saturday, September 29, 2012


In class we watched more of the video. I think the video is really really really interesting. I would defiantly watch the whole things since it is so interesting. It can be sad at some parts but that only makes the movie better. I am really glad that we are watching this movie because it is fun and it is a good movie. I think it is sad how the African people used to live. I think it is nice that they get a chance in the US to get jobs and basically turn their lives around and put them in a new direction. I am glad that they do not only do that for themselves but also for their families and people. I think it is cool how they got people to walk and support them so that they could support themselves and their people. Defiantly a great movie and I would suggest it to anyone that wants to learn about these people and their backgrounds.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

God Grew Tired of Us

Today in class we went over our test. I did pretty well on it and got an 83 which is a B. I could have done better bur at least I passed. I thought that it was easy but there was one part that I didn’t know the material which made me lose points. After the test we went to watch a movie. The movie was called God Grew Tired of Us. Again it took Mr. Schick a few minutes before he was able to get the sound to work. When he got it to work we watched the video and had to take notes on it. Our notes had to consist of some of the people that were talking and the different date on which things happened. They go pretty fast in the movie when they say or show something so it can be a little challenging to get all the notes you need. Some of the parts in the movie were really sad and disgusting. I could not imagine the hunger and thirst after traveling for so long without anything.

Monday, September 24, 2012


Okay so today in class we took the test. I thought that it was fairly easy and that I am going to get a good grade. I hope everyone else found the test easy and gets good grades. We also were going to watch a video but it took us awhile to get the sound working. It seemed no one could get it working so we just gave up on the video. Instead of the video we have to look um Sudan Civil War and summarize it. I thought it seemed like a pretty bad war that caused a lot. It seems like it caused a lot of damage and deaths. Some say it was racial and religious for the war. it seems like a sad war that any people lost their lives and even people that didn’t deserve to be punished or killed. It had a lot to do with the government.

Saturday, September 22, 2012


In class we reviewed what we needed to know for the test. While Mr. Schick was explaining everything we had to go over he was asking us questions on things. Like definitions to words and what message to Garcia was about. We had to go over the “Did you Know 3.0” video. We stopped at every other fact so we could remember and go over it. I’ll probably watch it again before the test that way it’s like fresh in my head. The question Mr. Schick asked me was to define a word and I didn’t know it so Cole told me it was excellence. I couldn’t understand him at first but then I got it. We have the test last period on Monday. I studied a little during the week than on the weekend so I think I’m ready for the test. Good luck everyone. Hope everyone does a great job on the test.

Thursday, September 20, 2012


Today in class my group presented our PowerPoint on Thailand. We did not get emails with the PowerPoint so we didn't work on it last night. Therefore it wasn't all the way done, but most of it was. Greg did some of it last night on his own. Mary went up to present it while Greg, John, and I looked up the stuff that we didn't have in our PowerPoint yet. It was very interesting watching us scurry around the website to try and find things out. Greg, Mary and John all did a fine job and we tried. Hopefully our grade won’t be as bad as our PowerPoint. After our group went Kishan's group. They did a really good job with their PowerPoint. It was set up really nice and they answered everything. They even played the national anthem for Nigeria. It was really good. Then Matt's group went and he presented their PowerPoint. Theirs was good too. While Matt presented Cole did a really good job with finding the answers to Mr. Schick’s questions right away. Than at like 1:45 the football players had to leave and it was just about time to go. Monday we have a test and I think one more group has to go tomorrow. 

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Today in class we basically separated the whole class into four different small groups. I don't really know the people in my group all the well but who knows maybe we will talk more. Well our group is group four and we have four people in our group. It is Greg, John, Mary, and I. When we first got in our group we didn't know who was going to be in charge of the PowerPoint. So John decided he would. Then we started giving the information and he didn't get how to really do it so he handed the PowerPoint job over to Greg. So now Greg is in charge of the PowerPoint and we had to give him the information. Then while Mary and I were giving him information my computer decided to shut down and die on me. I also learned how to put my email outlook on my desktop so I don’t have to keep going back and forth through the John Carroll website to get to my email. That is a good help for me. Besides that our group didn’t really get anything done for our PowerPoint today.

Monday, September 17, 2012


Today in class we basically learned a ton about population. We learned about how much out population has grown and how many years it took for us to get to certain amounts of people. It was quite interesting. We learned about the different life expectancies. Ours is 76.05 for men and 81.05 for women. We learned about crude birth rate which is number of births per 1000 of the population. Crude death rate is the number of deaths per 1000 of the population. Immigration is people coming to the state and emigration is people leaving the country. Push forces is what drives a person from a country. Pull forces are what attract people to a certain country. Some pushes are wars, unemployment, religious persecution, and environmental degradation. Some pulls are economic opportunity, health services, religious freedom, and political freedom. We also learned about total fertility rate which is fairly important. TFR is the average number of children born per woman. Our TFR is 2.06. If it’s higher than 2.1 it rises. If its lower than 2.1 it falls. I also learned we are having a test either Thursday or fun fun...:) 

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Did You Know 3.0???

Today in class we watched a video called "Did You Know 3.0?" It was a really interesting video and we learned a lot from it. After the video we had a discussion about all the things that we thought we interesting from the video. Mr. Schick wanted us all to say something and talk about what we thought. I was one of the last people to talk because i didn't raise my hand Mr. Schick just had me go. I thought it was interesting about Facebook being its only country and about how many people use it. I also thought that the fact of learners now will have 10-14 jobs by the age of 38. The thought of me having 10 jobs is like crazyyy... I couldn't even imagine. There we a lot of interesting facts in that video. We also got into a “argument” so say because Alex thinks if cheerleading was easy that they would call it football. Everyone was like hold up you got it all wrong. It was hilarious. Personally I think football is harder. So if football was easy they’d call it cheerleading. I had fun watching the video and talking about it. Hopefully we do this again sometime.

Sick :(

On Thursday 9-13-12 I was out sick

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Questions and Answers

Today in class we went over all the questions that we had to answer from the CIA website. We kept getting off track from time to time but overall we got done what we needed to get done. Most of my questions that I answered were right but others were not. I learned that Mary likes to say "oh my gravy", as her explanation to things. I found that quite funny, but in a good way. Instead of just answering the question we kind of went over each question and answer after we did them. I only had to answer one question in class today. I thought class was just a little boring today, but that is okay because it’s not always about how fun it is, it’s about the work that we do and what we learn. I am excited for tomorrow to see what we are going to do in class. Well I think we are watching a video, but I am anxious to see what else we will do.

Monday, September 10, 2012

CIA Questions and Answers

  1. What is the population of the United States? 313,847,456

  1. What are the five largest countries in the world, by population? China, India, United States, Indonesia, Brazil.
  1. What is the population of Pakistan? 190,291,129

  1. What kind of government does the United States have? Constitution based Federal Republic

  1. What is the unemployment rate in Zimbabwe? 80%

  1. What is the largest country in the world by area? China

  1. What country has the third greatest number of airports? Mexico

  1. What country has the greatest number of exports? China
  2. What country exports more oil than any other? Saudi Arabia
  3. What country imports more oil than any other? United States
  4. What country consumes more oil than any other? United States
  5. Can women serve in combat roles in China’s military? Yes
  6. What is GDP? Gross Domestic Product.
  7. What country has the highest GDP per capita in the world, and how much is it? Liechtenstein, $141,100.
  8. Is the US in the top ten for GDP per capita? No
  9. Most of the countries with the highest birth rates can be found in what continent? Asia
  10. 11 of the top 12 countries with the highest number of deaths from HIV/AIDS can be found in which continent? Africa
  11. What other country is in the top ten? India
  12. Where does the US rank in HIV/AIDS deaths? 18th
  13. Is the US #1 in number of cellular phones? No
  14. What percentage of the US is Roman Catholic? 23.9%
  15. What percentage of Mexico is Roman Catholic? 76.5%
  16. What is Net Migration Rate? A rate of the difference of the number of people entering and leaving a country.
  17. Does the US have the highest Net Migration Rate in the world? No
  18. What is the current population of the entire planet? 7,021,836,029 

Thursday, September 6, 2012


Today we had Human Geography at the end of the day which was good because i really enjoy human geography because we can kind of just relax and not be always doing classwork just taking about things we need to know. I was looking forward to class today. I thought it was kind of an easy class for the end of the day. In class we had a substitute because Mr. Schick wasn't there. At first I was worried that we were going to have a mean substitute, but turns out we didn't. I was really happy. So basically we had to evaluate website to see if they were good resources for research papers. I had done the assignment last night, but today in class I just touched up on it and finished other work that I might have had. We all just sat there quietly on the computers. It was a little boring, but I was glad that at least we didn't have like a ton of work to do I guess.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Evaluating Websites

1.Yes it seems legit. You could use it for research.
2.Yes it is legit. I think so because it looks professional and there aren't a whole bunch of ads. You could use it for research.
3.Yes because it is based off of a film. Yes you can use it for research.
4.No because it looks like someone through random stuff together on a unprofessional website. not a good site for research.
5.Yes because its set up on a professional website with kids games.Not good for research its more games tan reading.
6.Yes its legit but its peoples opinion so its probably best not to use it. Could use it but best not to because it is based off peoples opinion
7.No doesn't look professional with not many facts. Not good for research.
8.Yes but its based of peoples opinion. Not because its peoples opinion.
10.Yes its true facts. Yes its fine for research.


Today in class we talked about the internet. We mostly talked about Wikipedia. I learned that Mr. Schick is totally in love with it. To him it seems he would call it up on Valentine’s Day to ask what it was doing. I found that pretty funny. Alex thought that on Wikipedia people mostly lied about what they wrote. We learned the different pros and cons of Wikipedia. For example one con was that people can have access to change the information and it can possibly be false. One pro is that it I very up to date. Since it is on the internet it gets updated quicker than a book. Therefore it is more helpful. We also learned that is not a reliable website so that we probably should try to stay away from it. We also had to learn about writing research papers. Mr. Schick said we would be learning things early so we are really prepared for college when that time comes. I think that it is great that we can be prepared for college so early.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Essays 1,2, and 3

I think that the word arĂȘte means excellence or knowledge. Socrates demonstrated arĂȘte because he would always walk around to people and he would tell them that they needed to think. I think in doing so that he demonstrated knowledge. The Greeks always tried to live to their fullest potential and do their best at everything.

If Elbert Hubbard were to travel to present day I think that he wouldn't like it at all. I think he would want things more plain and simple and he would tell people to make things the way he wanted. If Socrates were to time travel I don't think he would mind as much of what the atmosphere was live and what kind of things were built and taking place. I think he would still try going around telling people to think and that he would still stand up for whatever he believed in. I also think if he came to present day and he were to get put on trial again that he would just take the death again instead of trying to get out of it. I think he would be the same old person.

I think if I want to be successful at John Carroll then I'm going to try to pay attention in all my classes and not get off track. I will try to stay out of trouble the best I can and follow all the rules and regulations. I will be on time for everything and no lame excuses for if I'm not, I want to be honest in what I do wrong or right. I want to keep up my grades and be an honors student maybe even try for straight a's. I won’t take the easy way out of everything, I'll do what I need to do and take the classes I need to take so that I can go to college and get a good job to be successful in life. I don’t want to end up with a job where I get paid little so that it’s just enough to get by. I want to get a job that pays good money so that I can use it to raise a good family. I will do all of this over the course of the next four years. I mean I won’t need money for a family over the next for years, but I still need a god job. 

Fridays Class

In class we started off by prayer and taking role. Then we got into a conversation about the football game last night. Everyone was telling Mr. Schick what position that they played out on the field. Then we finish going over the rest of the key terms that we started talking about on Thursday. During class Mr. Schick got a phone call from the office that was for Alex and Damian. Alex was worried she did something wrong, but Mr. Schick just told her it was what she didn't do. She was scared to go, but after like five times of telling her to get up and go Damian and her finally went. When they left everyone was saying how quiet it was since Alex wasn't there. When they got back Mr. Schick pretended like we went over stuff for a quiz and Alex got scared because she thought she missed it all. It was funny. Then we watched a video called starfish, but it had nothing to do with starfish.