Wednesday, September 26, 2012

God Grew Tired of Us

Today in class we went over our test. I did pretty well on it and got an 83 which is a B. I could have done better bur at least I passed. I thought that it was easy but there was one part that I didn’t know the material which made me lose points. After the test we went to watch a movie. The movie was called God Grew Tired of Us. Again it took Mr. Schick a few minutes before he was able to get the sound to work. When he got it to work we watched the video and had to take notes on it. Our notes had to consist of some of the people that were talking and the different date on which things happened. They go pretty fast in the movie when they say or show something so it can be a little challenging to get all the notes you need. Some of the parts in the movie were really sad and disgusting. I could not imagine the hunger and thirst after traveling for so long without anything.

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