Wednesday, September 5, 2012


Today in class we talked about the internet. We mostly talked about Wikipedia. I learned that Mr. Schick is totally in love with it. To him it seems he would call it up on Valentine’s Day to ask what it was doing. I found that pretty funny. Alex thought that on Wikipedia people mostly lied about what they wrote. We learned the different pros and cons of Wikipedia. For example one con was that people can have access to change the information and it can possibly be false. One pro is that it I very up to date. Since it is on the internet it gets updated quicker than a book. Therefore it is more helpful. We also learned that is not a reliable website so that we probably should try to stay away from it. We also had to learn about writing research papers. Mr. Schick said we would be learning things early so we are really prepared for college when that time comes. I think that it is great that we can be prepared for college so early.

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