Thursday, September 6, 2012


Today we had Human Geography at the end of the day which was good because i really enjoy human geography because we can kind of just relax and not be always doing classwork just taking about things we need to know. I was looking forward to class today. I thought it was kind of an easy class for the end of the day. In class we had a substitute because Mr. Schick wasn't there. At first I was worried that we were going to have a mean substitute, but turns out we didn't. I was really happy. So basically we had to evaluate website to see if they were good resources for research papers. I had done the assignment last night, but today in class I just touched up on it and finished other work that I might have had. We all just sat there quietly on the computers. It was a little boring, but I was glad that at least we didn't have like a ton of work to do I guess.

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