Thursday, September 20, 2012


Today in class my group presented our PowerPoint on Thailand. We did not get emails with the PowerPoint so we didn't work on it last night. Therefore it wasn't all the way done, but most of it was. Greg did some of it last night on his own. Mary went up to present it while Greg, John, and I looked up the stuff that we didn't have in our PowerPoint yet. It was very interesting watching us scurry around the website to try and find things out. Greg, Mary and John all did a fine job and we tried. Hopefully our grade won’t be as bad as our PowerPoint. After our group went Kishan's group. They did a really good job with their PowerPoint. It was set up really nice and they answered everything. They even played the national anthem for Nigeria. It was really good. Then Matt's group went and he presented their PowerPoint. Theirs was good too. While Matt presented Cole did a really good job with finding the answers to Mr. Schick’s questions right away. Than at like 1:45 the football players had to leave and it was just about time to go. Monday we have a test and I think one more group has to go tomorrow. 

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